Wardrobes have the potential to be stressful spaces, especially if you throw open your wardrobe doors to be greeted by a mass of clothing, but still feel like you’ve got absolutely nothing to wear! A well-organised closet is both functional and satisfying, and the new year is the perfect time to clear out items, reorganise the space, and implement systems to ensure your new wardrobe can be easily maintained.

Declutter and Take Stock
The first step to revamping your wardrobe is to have a big decluttering session. So set aside some time where you won’t be interrupted and set up your space with a full-length mirror and boxes or bags designated for clothes that you will donate/sell, toss out, or fix.
Once set up, rather than creating an overwhelming clothing mountain, work your way methodically through the items in your wardrobe focusing on a single category at a time – for example pants or skirts – so you can get an idea of what similar items you have, and which of those you wear the most or don’t wear at all.
If an item hasn’t been worn in the last 6 months or you don’t like the style, colour or fit, add it to the donate/sell pile; and place worn out items or those in need of alterations into your ‘toss’ or ‘fix’ pile. If you are unsure about an item, try it on before making a decision. Once done, take a stocktake of what’s left to ensure you have all the basic wardrobe staples you require covered, making a list of any items that need upgrading or replacing.
Utilise Clever Storage to Organise Your Space
When you’ve finished culling, give the wardrobe itself a good clean! Dust down shelves and rods, vacuum the floor and wipe away any dirt or scuff marks on the walls and skirtings. Once the space is clean and fresh, it’s time to put everything back.
If you are making changes to your wardrobe design, ensure you maximise space by using a combination of hanging space and shelving. Utilise floor space for clever shoe storage options, like quality shoe racks or sturdy boxes, and use hooks or specialised hanging organisers on the insides of doors to store awkward items like belts, ties, scarves and bags.
Grouping similar items together make it easy for you to find things and speeds up the process of getting ready in the morning. Store your clothing by category, sorted by colour, and invest in good-quality matching hangers to make sure everything hangs evenly and looks great.
Store expensive or delicate items in clothing bags and hang these to the sides of the wardrobe where they won’t be knocked around. Fold bulky items and store them in baskets or on shelves, rather than taking up valuable hanging space; and utilise high or difficult to reach spaces for items that are not worn regularly.
If you have a particularly small space to work with, consider sorting your clothing by season and pack away clothing that you won’t need for a while.
Most importantly, make sure your favourite and most frequently worn items are visible – if you can’t see it, you won’t wear it!
Keep It Sorted
Of course, organising your wardrobe is one thing, but keeping it that way throughout the year is quite another. After your cleanout, make sure all hangers are pointing a particular way, then turn them around once you’ve worn something, making it easy to see what you haven’t worn at a later date.
Operate a ‘one in, one out’ policy by committing to removing an item from your wardrobe as you add a new piece. Purge as you go by placing a box or basket in the bottom of your wardrobe, then place items you try on and don’t like in the box to be donated, rather than hanging them back up.
A clean, organised wardrobe ensures items are easy to see and find, streamlining your morning routine and decreasing your stress – you’ll know your wardrobe is full of items that you love and make you feel great! You’ll keep track of what you already have, preventing you from spending money on unnecessary items, so you can save and splash out on investment pieces that will slot nicely into your organised wardrobe.
If you really want to make the most of your wardrobe space, take advantage of a free consultation with a design expert at Innovative Interiors, who will work with you to create a customised solution to suit your style, that will work with the space you have and what you want from it.